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/b/ -Burrow

Bury yourself in the ground lizzie
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Hello lizzies.

I have recently been especially saddened by the deterioration of the chan community. 4chan is a shit hole that is filled with normies. This is obviously nothing new, but it just gets exponentially worse.

It seems that all of the non-normie chan user-base has become spread out so far across the internet that it is near impossible to rally them all back to one site. Let alone doing this without attracting normies in the process.

How could we remedy this? What are we to do? I miss the old days where 4chan and numerous other chans were vibrant comfy places where I could relate with other anons and laugh without even so much as a thought of degenerate porn threads eating up entire boards that weren't meant for such things. We never had to worry about normies ruining the fun before.

How can we fix this? How can we bring the chans back to the glory which they once had? I miss them. I'm sure you do too. Work with me guys. Any ideas are welcome.
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The internet is shit because people are shit. Society is shit. People are losing their minds. We're probably just gonna do WWIII soon. Every so often, people go crazy and do a war. It's happening again. Internet won't stop being shit until the war is over.


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Uuh it sounds like some other issues than those you described are troubling you, no offence.

I am balding, now that's some real shit.
Looking goofy with and without hair.

On top of that I recently left my basement and noticed that my over 6month badass beard, looks only great in dimly-lit mirror.
On the outside I can clearly see my entire chin and jaw with neckbeard vibes.


>We're probably just gonna do WWIII soon.
I sure hope so. I need something to break the monotony in my life


shave beard and glue excess hair to head = problems solved


My hair is dark brown my beard is blondy white. Pubes are too dark, want to lend yours?

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I hate to bring up an unpleasant topic, but I think this is an important discussion. It seems like every 4 years the internet gets worse and worse I wonder if the elections play a part in this somehow. 2008 is the year the internet the internet started to deteriorate, 2012 is when the internet started becoming more "civilized" (aka shit) and 2016 is the year everyone lost their fucking minds. So my question is, how bad will 2020 be. Allow me to explain what has happened from 2016 up until now:
>FOSTA gets signed into law, thus causing a snowball effect on internet censorship
>Chads and Stacies have figured out how to use Sony Vegas (or at least Sony Vegas is so dumbed down now) and are now becoming top youtubers
>Celebrities and mumble rappers claim to "love" anime, thus causing an influx of Negroes and Stacies in anime communities thinking they are cool
>4chan splits into two domains thus causing the official death of 4chan
>4chan's split causes an exodus of unfunny 12 year olds to invade some IBs I used to enjoy
Among other things.

Who knows, maybe 2020 will be the year some magical thing happens that causes the internet to be dominated by nerds and outcasts again. But for now, the future is looking bleak.
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God damn not even the bleakest posts here could predict 2020
>WW3 almost happening
>Global pandemic that sees many countries force people to stay indoors
>Nogs chimping out en masse globally
>Global recession
>Imageboards dying from a combination of 8chan's death and the potential of the webring destroyed by discord faggots
>US elections so everything becoming stupidly political again like 2016


Thanks orangeman!


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>Global pandemic that sees many countries force people to stay indoors

Lets be honest though, the pandemic is completely fake. I was fooled by it for the first few months (please forgive me for all the panicked posts I made on the old site, I'm prone to paranoia), but after looking at the numbers I seen that it was only really killing geriatrics who were already at deaths door.

I can't understand why the elites are trying to terrorize the public like they're doing, with the fucking masks and everything. Maybe it has to do with the US election, I don't know.


So far the 2020s have been shit
From the kung flu virus
To the official planet ape chimp outs
And more bullshit yeah I think human civilization is fucked


everything costs more now. I wish we could go back to 2020 prices

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 No.5984[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post here every time you visit lizchan.
We must crank up the speed somehow.
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Spent so much time looking for a job that I forgot to practise the skillset for the jobs I am applying to


I managed to talk with my parents and if I go to uni with him then I will rent free.
Good stuff because I would go broke otherwise.
Dont know what specifaction to choose.

How long?
I was looking for one too but not that hard. Nobody called obviously.


Well my job contract ended at end of March so I'd say since then. But even then my stack is just quite rusty


you have skills?

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Anything related
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blade runner Poppy lol


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I dunno if Poppyfag is still lurking, but I'd like to know if you can give some tips to making a good gen.
Personally I feel like mine are kinda boring, and the hands also could get an improvement.
Are you still on 1.5 or did you make the jump to XL?


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Take for comparison this gen, it feels much more attractive as in, colours, the lines are more defined, seems like there is more detail too.
Also nothing seems screwy.


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>I dunno if Poppyfag is still lurking
I'm here everyday

>some tips

Try different models/LORAs, you can just copy prompts from people that use the same model.
Best site I know is https://civitai.com/images?tags=4


read some inpaint guides

>1.5 or XL

I didn't try XL, I had huge plans to learn Bender, pose and set specific places for the background.
But I spiralled into doing nothing creative and slacking off, then my drive ran out of space so I had to get rid of python and other SD related stuff.

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>didn't try XL, I had huge plans to learn Bender, pose and set specific places for the background.
I see. I made those past gens with PonyXL because it's what anons recommended. I think it looks neat for gens that didn't take much hassle, but for some reason I don't think I want big tiddy now :C
>But I spiralled into doing nothing creative and slacking off, then my drive ran out of space so I had to get rid of python and other SD related stuff.
Oh that sucks. Hope you can get a new driver soonishly. And that you find reasons to go back to genning.

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I don't want it to be true.
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they got their payback


Terry's not dead. He's either still out there, or he lives on our hearts.


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that or he's trapped within his OS


Trapped is such a mean word. He was embraced by it.


Hope someone makes an archive of all his videos, needs to be kept alive in his works at least.

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 No.6023[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I am going to post 1(one) cute file every day until raptor jesus takes me.God bless.
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Are you dead?


When the server was backed up, all of my images were gone, and I didn't want to rebuild the thread after that. I started after the last cute poster in at least February 2023 and ended in July.

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 No.6009[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Hi Lizzies, this is a thread where you can post how your day was.
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don't trust dentists. they're in it for the money


I wish her suggestion was fueled by money.
Unfortunately my 1st upper teeth are so thin that I can see the color of them changing when I press tongue against.


idk, unless I need a root canal I avoid denti$t$ as much as possible. I even clean my own plaque with a toothpick


I wish her suggestion was fueled by money.
Unfortunately my 1st upper teeth are so thin that I can see the color of them changing when I press tongue against.



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You are not able to use any energy from people at all because they will not speak with you in your current language, especially in future lives.


You don't even want to believe you are able to speak any language other than ours. You are not willing to integrate with the workforce.


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someone forgot to take their antipsychotics


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This is ra smc connector

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 No.5993[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Remember Lizzies it's bad to hold negative emotions since they build up.
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>not healthy to believe things that way
Haha what way? Sounds like you have some interesting backstory about me.

I just pointed to look somewhere while being a dick about it.
Can do it nicely too. LOOK

Hewlo, if imageboards are not for you…
Perhaps finding some friends in online game might help you.
There are also discord groups but idk how that works.
Honestly the best place to find a friend is getting a penpal through Slowly app.
thought I needed something like that and left after realizing it being different cause

Social medias are not a place for it.
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Sometimes I think "I don't want to do this any more", but I don't know what I don't want to do. The closest thing that comes to mind is "everything". It's not about doing something else in life, but life itself is tiring. I'm sure other people have thought this before, too. I also get this weird feeling or realization that I am one of many people in my community, city, county, state, country, etc. There are other people around, and it's just that we're all separated by our houses. Weird feeling.


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I wish


no killing just a lot of puking.
Right after preparing bunch of food the aura hit me.
Well with the plate full it would be shame to wait few hours.
I should chew more


We're back!
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Oh how long I've been waiting for some Liz to post vocaloid so I can show off with better one


one more for the playlist


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